Social Impact


The social impact movement mission is to convert financial resources that comes from Bluverty store into changing the world in the most positive way.

We believe there is a strong movement rising in socially and environmentally conscious products because the public is demanding a change. However there is a long road ahead.

We created a modern contemporary fashion brand that reflects the awareness on social and cultural life, environmental beauty and health care. The brand should positively impact everyone it touches. From the workers who make our clothing to the people and all woman and children we support.

We are in a place in human history where this notion of public versus private and all these opposition things are starting to blur at the edges. Some of these issues go way behind one sector to solve, so we find it very exciting to partner with organizations to solve some of these problems.

There are women in the world who cannot access adequate healthcare or elementary school or get a job, we can change that starting from our society, by selling our products we can fund that access and that's what we set out to build. Humanity's greatest advances are not in its discoveries, but in how those discoveries are applied to reduce inequity.

Every year over $16,000,000,000 in credit card rewards points go unused and expire. Doesn't it seem like they could be put to good use by schools, health organizations or charities?

Change can start with your wardrobe and happen gradually. one purchase at a time. Always remember that its not quantity but the quality and uniqueness that we need to improve in our life.

Don't ever compromise what makes you passionate about who you are and what you are doing, no matter what! Be unique, be special, be yourself.

Don't tell us all the reasons this might not work. Tell us all the ways it could work. We want a real change, and to make the basic attribute of mankind, to look after each other!


The Social Impact Movement of Bluverty

*For your social support or collaborations (Awareness Campaigns) Contact us here